Monday, September 08, 2008

Glut at Bordaila
Everything comes at once! The garden is producing far more tomatoes, aubergines and courgettes than we can eat. Though we have no problems with the raspberries and sweetcorn. Sweetcorn picked and put straight into the pot is amazingly good.
Plus, there is a good crop of butternut pumpkins for winter soups. The goats once more are rampaging through the grapes on the bottom terrace - the goatherd looked very sheepish as we waved to him as we passed by the camino on our way up last time -this was before we had seen what the goats had done to the grapes. So, we have to consider whether it really is a good idea to grow grapes down there or whether to just concentrate on those near the house. We're not sure what we would do with a lot of grapes anyway - the wine we buy is very good and not expensive.
Although we are experimenting with solar drying, so raisins perhaps.

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